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★人教版三年级下册课文Unit2 My family教学设计

来源:学大教育     时间:2018-04-09 12:04:42

小学英语学习要做好课前预习,在进行课前预习的时候参考教学设计可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,下面学大教育网为大家带来人教版三年级下册课文Unit2 My family教学设计,希望能够帮助大家。

一、Teaching targets:

1.The target of knowledge:

Words: father(dad)/mother(mom)/grandmother(grandma)/grandfather(grandpa)

Learn these sentences: This is my ______.

2. The target of skills: Can introduce the family.

3. The target of emotion: Love family, love the family members.

二、Main points:The new words and sentences.

三、Difficult point:The pronunciation of the new words, talking about the family.

四、Teaching aids:

Word cards, family photos, a family tree, a pair of glasses,

五、Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting

2. Free talk

T: Hello! I’m Miss Ye. What's your name? S1: My name is XXX.

T: I’m from China. Where are you from? S2: I’m from China, too.

T: I like bread. What do you like. S3: I like hot dogs.

T: I have two eyes/a book… what do you have? S4: I have a sharpner.

T: Today we have a new frined. Look, he is Hu Tutu.

Step2 Prensentation

1.Tutu: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Hu Tutu. I’m 3. I’m a boy. I’m from China. I like___.

I have a____.

Tutu: I have a crayon. Let’s paint.

① Wow! This is my father. (father=dad)

Wow! This is my dad.

② Hello! My name’s Hu Yingjun. I’m Tutu’s father. Nice to meet you.

I’m a _ B___.(A: boy B: man C:girl)



S1: XXX is a boy. XXX is a man.

T: Yaoming is a man. Chenlong is a man. Wuzun is a man.

③ Hu Yingjun is Tutu’s father. He is a man.

Zhang Xiaoli is Tutu’s mom. She is Tutu’s mother.

④ Hi! I’m Zhang Xiaoli. I’m Tutu’s mother. I am a____.(girl/woman)



T:Zhang Shaohan is a woman. Wuxin is a woman. Yangmi is a woman.

⑤ Now, let’s have a guess.

I’m a man. I’m an old man. I’m Tutu’s grandfather.

⑥ Tutu:I have a mother, a father and a grandfather.

⑦ Where is my grandmother? Tutu: I have no grandmother.

T: Tutu has no grandmother. But some of you have grandmother. Can you say a sentence to your grandmother.

S1: I love you, grandmother.

S2: Good morning, grandmother.

3. Family Tree

Step3 Consolidation and extension

1. Story Time

Today is Tutu’s birthday.

Mom: Happy birthday! Tutu. T: Thanks, mom.

Grandpa: How old are you? T: I’m 3.

Dad: This is for you. Tutu. T: Thanks, dad.

T: let’s eat the birthday cake. Mom: OK!

T: Have some cakes, grandpa. Grandpa: Thank you.

T: You’re welcome. I love you.

M. D. G: We love you, too.

2. We love our family. Sing a song

3. Homework


三年级小朋友大多十岁左右,他们的年龄特点决定了他们好动、好玩、好奇、好新、好强的特性,为此,在设计Unit2 My family 中Let’s Learn部分时,我把活动贯穿于整个教学过程。


英语学习气氛。 Presentation时,我把孩子们喜欢的卡通人物Hu Tutu贯穿整个呈现过程,Tutu一出现,孩子们便被她吸引住了,带着好奇心,孩子们去了解Tutu的family,兴致勃勃地认识了Tutu家的所有成员。(即新单词father mother grandfather grandmother man woman)。

在Practise部分,我将教学内容与生动有趣的故事结合起来,丰富学生的课堂生活。Happy Birthday这一情境学生在日常中会经常发生,因而有效的拓展操练可以使学生学的只是可以达到学以致用。














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