★人教版四年级上册课文Unit3 My Friends教学设计
来源:学大教育 时间:2018-04-09 15:45:48
小学英语学习要做好课前预习,在进行课前预习的时候参考教学设计可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,下面学大教育网为大家带来人教版四年级上册课文Unit3 My Friends教学设计,希望能够帮助大家。
知识目标:学习三会单词or, right, glasses, shoes; 核心句型:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.
能力目标:1. 能理解对话,并能正确、流利朗读对话。
2. 能用句型What’s he/she like?询问他人的体形、外貌、性格、穿着等特征并会用He/She is… He/She has…作答。
1.能听、说、认读单词“or”,知道 “or” 表示选择意思并会使用。
2.能用句型What’s he/she like? 询问他人的体形、外貌、性格、穿着等特征并会用He/She is…. He/She has….作答。
glasses 和shoes 末尾“es” 及 “s” 的发音。
Step1: Warm-up
Free talk.
T: What’s in the classroom?
SS: A..., ... and...
T: Where is/ are the... ?
SS: It’s/ They’re near/ under /on/... the door/blackboard...
T: What colour is it/ are they?(教师提问学生N)
S (N) : It’s/ They’re...
T: Yes, you’re right. (教师抚摸学生头部加以表扬,同时指着学生N问其他学生)
T: What’s his name?
Ss: His name is...
T: Oh, I see, his name is ….
T: Who is he?(教师指着另一名男生问全班同学)
Ss: He is...
T: Oh, he is ….
T: Then who is she? (教师指着旁边的一位女生问全班同学)
Ss: She is...
T: I know, she is …. Nice to meet you, ….(教师与该女生击掌打招呼)
T: Boys and girls, I’m so happy to see you today. Do you want to make friends with me?
Ss: Yes.
T: Good. So let’s sing a song “Friends” together, OK?
Ss: OK.
Step2: Presentation
1. Talk about Jack, learn the new words and key sentences.
T: Boys and girls, we’re friends now. I have two new friends, do you want to make friends with them, too?(课件中呈现学生Jack和Rose的图像,但均被遮挡住)
Ss: Yes.
T: Guess, who are they? Boy or girl?(板书:boy or girl? 学习单词or)
Ss: Two boys/ two girls/ a boy and a girl….
T:Yes, you’re right! A boy and a girl.(Jack 和Rose 图像的遮挡撤去,板书:You’re right. 学习单词right)
T: Boys and girls, if you can answer my questions about Jack and Rose, you can make friends with them. Do you want to try?
Ss: Yes.
(课件单独呈现Jack 的图像) T: What’s he like? (板书句型What’s he like? He is…., 引导学生回答)
S1: He is tall and thin.
T: You’re right. He is tall and thin. And he has ….(板书句型He has…., 并在Jack 的图像中各个身体部位逐一出示箭头,引导学生用此句型回答Jack 的外貌特征)
S2: He has black hair.
S3: He has black glasses.( 课件中出现眼镜图片,学习单词glass—glasses, 教师注意示范es 发音,并纠正学生的错误发音;通过图片适当拓展学习以下表达: a pair of glasses, two pairs of glasses.板书单词glass—glasses,同时补全黑板板书:He has glasses.)
S4:He has a big mouth.
S5: He has a yellow T-shirt.
S6: He has black shorts.
S7: He has black shoes. (课件出现鞋的图片,学习单词shoe—shoes, 教师注意示范s 发音,并纠正学生的错误发音;通过图片适当拓展学习以下表达:a pair of shoes, two pairs of shoes.板书单词shoe—shoes, 并补全黑板句子He has glasses and his shoes are black.)
(T 引导全班学生对Jack 的外貌重复一次完整的问答):T: What’ s he like?
Ss: He is tall and thin. He has black hair, black glasses, a big mouth, a yellow T-shirt, black shorts and black shoes .
2. Talk about Rose, practise the key sentences.
T: (课件接着呈现Rose的图像) T: What’s Rose like? (课件呈现句型She is…., 引导学生回答)
S8: She is short and strong.
T: Yes, you’re right. She is short and strong. And she has…(课件呈现句型She has…, 并在Rose 的图像中各个身体部位逐一出示箭头,引导学生用此句型回答Rose 的外貌特征)
S9: She has a hat.
S10: She has brown hair.
S11:She has big eyes.
S12: She has a red suit.
S13: She has black shoes.
(T 引导全班学生对Rose 的外貌重复一次完整的问答):T: What’ s she like?
Ss: She is short and strong. She has a hat, brown hair, big eyes, a red suit and black shoes.
3. Memory game (Practise the key sentences.)
教师呈现“A. Let’s play”部分的图片人物,让学生在20秒内记住Lucy,Bob,Lily和Tim四个人物的外貌特征,然后A、B两组进行记忆PK大赛。教师通过课件呈现其中两个人物,Lucy 和Tim,均遮盖住。A、B两组各派一位成员走到讲台前猜一猜他们是谁,A组代表猜Lucy,B组代表猜Tim,猜对的加分,猜错的不加分。方法是:A、B组代表背对黑板,向自己组成员提问A boy or girl? What’s he/she like? 组员答A boy/ girl. He/She is…, he/she has… A、B组代表根据自己组同学的回答猜出: He is…/She is….然后全班评价对或错。
Model:A 组猜Lucy
S (A)s: I have a friend.
S (A)代表:A boy or girl?
S (A)s: A girl.
S (A)代表:What’s she like?
S (A1): She is tall and thin.
S (A2): She has short brown hair.
S (A3): She has a school bag.
S (A4): She has a purple sweater.
S (A5): She has blue pants.
S (A)代表:I see, she’s Lucy.
S (A)s: Yes, you’re right!
(A、B组猜完Lucy 和Tim后,用同样方法猜Lily 和Bob)
Step3: Learn the text.
1. Ss think of three questions about the text.
1). Is Mike’s good friend a boy or a girl?
2). What’s he/she like?
3). Who is he/she?
2. Watch the video.
3.Ss read the text after the video.
Step4: Consolidation
Put in the missing sentences of the text.
Step5: Extension
Guessing game: Who is our favourite star?
1. 教师出示许多明星图片,以小组为单位,选出自己组一致最喜欢的一位明星,用下列对话进行练习:
A: Who’s your favourite star?
B: Guess.
A: What’s he/she like?
B:He/She is…. He/She has….
A: He’s/She’s….
B: Yes, you’re right./ Sorry, you’re wrong.
2. 游戏方法:小组A全体成员起立,其他同学问:Who’s our favourite star?
其他同学:A boy or girl?/ A man or lady?
A组:A boy/ girl/ man/ lady.
其他同学:What’s he/she like?
A组(开火车形式,每人说一个句子):He/She is…. He/She has…..
A组:Yes, you’re right. / Sorry,you’re wrong.(猜对的同学可在组内加分)
Step6: Homework
1. 听录音并熟读课文。
2. 用本节课所学内容向你的父母描述一位你最要好的朋友。
3. 观察你熟悉的同班同学的外貌特征以及性格特征,描述一下并让全班同学来猜一猜是谁。
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