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★人教版三年级上册课文Unit4 We Love Animals教学设计

来源:学大教育     时间:2018-04-09 09:47:07

教学设计是老师讲课的重要参照,在预习小学英语课文的时候阅读老师制定的教学设计可以帮助大家在学习的时候有的放矢,为此下面学大教育网为大家带来人教版三年级上册课文Unit4 We Love Animals教学设计,希望大家能够认真阅读。

一、Teaching Content

1、Words:monkey duck cat dog等

2、Sentence: I have a+动物名称。

二、 Teaching Aims

1. The pupils learn to use the words:

Rabbit//duck //cat //dog

2. The pupils can understand the Sentence I have a+动物名称.

3. The pupils can use the words and Sentence

4. The pupils can be more confident during the studying of English and get more great fun of studying.

三、 Key Points of Teaching教学重点

The pupils can master the words:

Rabbit//duck //cat //dog

四、 Difficulties of Teaching教学难点

Sentence: I have a+动物名称

五、 Teaching Aids教学辅助手段


2. Some word cards with picture.

六、Teaching Steps教学步骤

Step 1 : Warming-up

T: Hello,boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Teacher.

T: Do you want to play a game?

Ss: Yes

T: Ok, Today I want to play a game with you. Listen to the voice and say out who’s talking? Ok?

Ss: Ok

T: ready! Go(学生听录音)

T: Who’s voice?


T: Yes .It’s a dog. (教师把狗的图片贴到黑板上)

T: next one who’s voice?


T:Yes .It’s a cat. (教师把猫的图片贴到黑板上)

T: listen. Who’s voice?

Ss: 鸭子

T: Yes .It’s a duck. (教师把鸭子的图片贴到黑板上)

T: Look at the picture?


T: Yes .It’s a rabbit. (教师把兔子的图片贴到黑板上)

Step 2:Lead-in

T: Do you like it?(教师指图片)

Ss: Yes.

T: Me to. so we love animals (板书并作简单解释)

Step 3: New words

1. Teach the word “dog”

T: Who’s like this(教师表演小狗) Look at the picture, what’s this?

Ss: 小狗

T:Yes .dog(板书与图片相对应)

2. Teach the word “cat”

T:Who’s like this(教师表演小猫) Look at the picture, what’s this?

Ss: 小猫

T: Yes .cat (板书与图片相对应)

3. Teach the word “duck”

T: Who’s like this(教师表演小鸭子) Look at the picture, what’s this?

Ss: 小鸭子

T: Yes .duck.(板书与图片相对应)

4. Teach the word “rabbit”

T: Who’s like this(教师表演小兔子) Look at the picture, what’s this?

Ss: 小兔子

T: Yes .rabbit.(板书与图片相对应)

T:Ok!Let’s play a game. I will find four student

师生开始互动,第一步教师说让学生做 第二步学生说老师做 第三步找同学在前面说

Step 4: Presentation

T: Look! I have a dog. Do you know I have a cat means?


T:yes! Very good. What animals do you have in your home?

Ss: I have a dog /cat/duck/rabbit.

T: 提问学生

Step 6:Summary



Step 7:Homework

1. Today we have learned four words, every word write four times.

2. Draw a picture about animals.

学大教育网为大家精心准备了人教版三年级上册课文Unit4 We Love Animals教学设计,希望大家能掌握利用英语教学设计的学习方法,想要获取更多的小学英语教学设计请登录学大教育网查阅。

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