高二英语课件-The United Kingdom课件
来源:学大教育 时间:2016-03-04 17:37:48
高中生想要学好英语知识需要掌握科学的方法,而课前阅读英语课件能够提高大家的学习能力,为了能够使大家轻松学好高中英语,下面学大教育网为大家带来高二英语课件-The United Kingdom课件,希望能够提高大家的高中英语学习效果。
Unit2 The United Kingdom.
Period 1 Warming up and listening
Teaching Goals:
1. Get the students to know the information about the United Kingdom.
2. Encourage the students to talk out what they know about the UK and Ireland.
3. Help the students learn to get information by listening.
Teaching methods
1). Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.
Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.
Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
(1) What do you think of Dongguan? Which place impresses you most?
(2) A. There are not many visiting places in Dongguan as it is a newly-developed city. But what about our country? Think what words you¡¯ll need to describe a country and then give a brief description of China.
B. There are many famous places in China. Think out one and describe it, letting others guess which place it is.
2. Show pictures of some famous places of China. Ask: Where are they taken?
3. Show pictures of some places of the British Isles and ask the students where they are taken. Then tell the students to say something they know about these places.
4. (1) Ask the following question: Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of? (Scotland/ England/ Wales-----Britain + Northern Ireland-----the UK + the Republic of Ireland---- the British Isles)
(2) Show the map of the British Isles to help the students to get a clear idea of some important cities in the UK and the names and the locations of different parts and counties and rivers.
(3) Then ask the students to look at some cities in the UK and to name them.
5. Group work:
(1) What is the UK famous for? Think about sport, art, architecture, literature, film, food and life. (Show some famous examples.)
(2) Talk about the geography, history, languages, culture, famous people, buildings and other things in the UK and Ireland.
Step 2 Listening
1. The teacher talks more about the languages in the UK and Ireland. Then ask the students to talk more about the education in the UK.
2. Ask: How are classes arranged in schools in the UK?
3. (1) Listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true.
(2) Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable below.
(3) Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
Step 3 Extension
1. Talk about our own timetable.
2. Have a discussion about the similarities of the timetables in our country and the UK and also tell the differences between them.
Step 4 Homework
Find more information in relation to the UK and Ireland on the Internet.
Period 2&4 Reading
Teaching goals
Get the students to know more about the British Isles and learn more new words and their usages.
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Presentation
Show the students four pictures and ask them to guess a country name which is related to all of them. ( The answer is the United Kingdom. )
Ask the students: How much do you know about the united kingdom? Tell the students: Today we are going to read a passage about the British Isles.
Step 2 Fast reading
Get the students to skim the passage and match the paragraphs and the topics.
Then let the students take a look at the map of the British Isles and tell me the place names of the different numbers on the map.
Step 3 Careful reading
Ask the students to read the passage carefully and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.
( ) 1. Many people around the world study English, and they know a lot about British culture.
( ) 2. Great Britain is made up of four countries.
( ) 3. The island of Britain is separated from France by the English Channel.
( ) 4. Scotland is colder throughout the year, but receives less rain.
( ) 5. People from different parts of northern Europe settled in England, so the culture of the people of the British Isles was influenced by them.
( ) 6. The southern part of Ireland is now an independent republic.
( ) 7. In modern time, people throughout the British Isles only speak English.
Step 4 Discussion
Show the students some pictures of the three countries of the British Isles and then ask: If you have got the chance to visit one of the three countries of the British Isles, which country will you choose and why?
Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan in which you describe where you go, how long you will stay and why, and what clothes and things you will take.
Step 5 Language points
1). divide/separate v.
divide “把一个整体分成若干部分”,破坏了宾语的完整性,常与 “into”连用
separate 指”把原来连在一起或靠近的部分分割开来”,常与 “from” 连用
The apple was _________ into two.
His lecture ___________divides into three parts.
She was __________separated from her husband last year.
The Taiwan Strait __________ Taiwan from Fujian
Keys: 1) divided 2)divides 3) separated 4)separates
2). puzzle/confuse
puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂, 因而使人感到困惑不解”
confuse 指“把事物混淆或弄乱“或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”, 语气较弱, 常指暂时现象
【练习】选择puzzle 或confuse并用其适当的形式填空
1)What he did __________puzzled me greatly.
2)They asked me so many questions that they _________confused me.
3)I am always ________ salt with sugar.
4)The patient’s illness _______ the doctor; and he couldn’t find the cause.
Keys: 1)puzzled 2)confused 3)confusing 4)puzzled
3) debate/argue/discuss/quarrel辩论,争论
argue 指提出理由或事实,试图在争辩中说服对方,或促使他人拥护自己倡导的理由或观点:
1)The couple are always __________quarreling about the past.
2)Have you _________ the problem with anyone?
3)I _________ with her all day about the situation.
Keys: 1)quarreling 2)discussed 3)argued
4) influence/affect
1) The noise from the street _________affected my study.
2) Outside factors _____________influenced him to resign.
3) My parents _________ my childhood a great deal.
Keys: 1) affected 2) influenced 3) influenced
III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)
1. convenience n.便利,方便,适合 convenient adj.便利的,方便的 conveniently adv.便利地
2. attraction n.吸引,吸引力 attractive adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的 attract v. 吸引
3. construct v.建造,构造,建立 construction n..建筑,建设
4. arrange v. 安排,协商 arrangement n. 排列,安排
5.collect v.收集, 聚集, 集中 collection n.收藏, 征收, 搜集品
6. fair adj. 公平地, 公正地, unfair adj. 不公平的
7.suggest vt.建议, 暗示 suggestion n. 提议, 意见, 暗示,
1) These meals are quick and _________ to prepare. We provide these meals for the _____ of the customers. (convenience)
What ________ me first was that there is a beautiful house with an ____________ garden.(attraction)
They had an _________ that the children would spend their holiday abroad.(arrange)
The classic music _________ his childhood, and he thought that listening to the music has a calming _________ on him. (influence)
A new city of Wenchuan is still under __________, although it was ________ a half year ago.(construct)
At the whole classmates’________, the head teacher ________ they should go camping this weekend. (suggest)
keys: 1) convenient; convenience 2) attracted; attractive 3) arrangement 4) influenced; influence 5) construction; constructed 6) suggestion; suggested
IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)
consist vi.由...组成, 在于, 一致
consist of=be made up of 由…组成;由…构成
Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。
True charity doesn't consist in almsgiving. 真正的慈善不在于施舍。
1) 这支球队由12人组成。
2) 这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴。
Keys: 1) the team consists of 12 players. 2)The beauty of the artist's style consists in its simplicity.
clarify v.澄清, 阐明
1)---Could you clarify the first point please? 请你澄清第一个要点,好吗?
---I don’t understand it completely,either.我也并不完全理解。
2) His mind suddenly clarified. 他的脑子突然清醒过来。
[练习] 翻译句子
Keys: 1)She wrote a letter to clarify her intentions. 2) clarify one's position
convenience n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具
1) We bought this house for its convenience.我们买下这所房子是为了方便。
2) Please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候来。
3) Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides.
inconvenience n. 不方便
convenient adj. 便利的,适宜的
at one's convenience在某人方便的时候
for one's convenience(of)为了某人的方便
for convenience's sake为了方便起见
make a convenience of …利用
1) 如果方便就来看看我。
2) 你方便明天开始工作吗?
Keys: 1)Come and see me if it is convenient to you.2) Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?
influence n.& vt.影响, 感化, 势力, 有影响的人(或事)
1) What influenced you to do it?是什么感染了你要这么做?
2) Don’t be influenced by him; you should hold your own decision.别被他影响了你,你该有你自己的决定。
have influence on/with…对……产生影响
under the influence of 在......的影响下
Keys: 1) What parents do always has influence on their children. 2) The president changed his idea under the influence of the senate.
available adj.可用到的, 可利用的,有空的,
1) Attention,please.These tickets are available on the day of issue only.
2) Dresses are not available in your size, I’m afraid.
We regret to inform you that there are no tickets ______ for Friday’s performance.
A. available B. spare C. convenient D. affordable
【解析】 根据句意“我们很遗憾地通知你星期五的演出票没有了”。可知available “可提供的,可得到的”,常作后置定语。答案:A。
1) 这里没有这本书。
Keys: 1) This book is not available here. 2) In the busy place, no car parking is available for use.
arrange v.安排, 排列, 协商
1) The child was required to arrange his shoes in a neat row by his parents.
2) He was arranged by his family to marry a girl of his own class 他家里安排他娶一个门当户对的女孩。
arrange for安排, 准备
arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事
Keys: 1) You should finish arranging the books on the shelves before the meeting. 2) They are arranging for a big wedding secretly.
7. delight n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦v. (使)高兴, (使)欣喜
Sometimes an old movie can still delight the people who have a sweet memory for the old days.有时一部旧片仍能给怀念旧时光的人们带来喜悦。
The movie Xi Yangyang & Hui Tailang gave delight to millions of children. 电影《喜羊羊与灰太郎》使千万小朋友获得乐趣。
take/find/have delight in喜爱, 以...为乐
to sb.'s delight令人高兴的是...
delight in 嗜好
Keys: 1) He delighted the audience with his performance. 2) Singing is her chief delight. 3) The young delight in /take delight/ in travels
V 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)
1.take the place of代替,取代
1) In the future, natural gas will take the place of petrol as the major fuel.将来天然气会代替汽油成为主要的能源。
2) I’ll take the place of Mr.Lin next week.=I’ll take Mr.Lin's place next week.
take place发生;举行
take one's place就位;代替某人
in place of (= instead of)代替
in place在适当的位置
out of place不得其所,不适当地
in the first place首先
from place to place到处;各处
[练习] 选择以上短语填空
1) A sudden accident _______ in the street last evening.
2)She likes everything _______ before she starts to work.She hates a mess.
Keys: 1)took place 2)in place
2. break down损坏,跨,压倒,分解
1) The bridge broke down.桥塌了。
2) The engine broke down.发动机坏了。
3) He has broken down from overwork.他因工作过度而累垮了。
4) Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.水可以分解为氢和氧。
5) The plan to build another chemical work has broken down because it will cause serious pollution.再建一个化工厂的计划失败了,因为这将引起严重的污染。
break away from摆脱,脱离
break in闯入;插话
break into闯入;破门而人;打断(谈话)
break off中止;折断;打折
break out爆发;突然发生
break through突破;冲垮
break up分解;(使)结束;分开,分离
1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it ___________ into pieces.
2) The elevator broke _______.
3) Fighting broke_______ in the prison cells.
4)Fire broke _______during the night.
5) On the way to the prison house, the prisoners suddenly broke _______ from the policeman.
Keys: 1) down 2) down 3) out 4) out 5) away
3. leave out省去,遗漏
1) You have left out the most important word in this sentence.
2) Don't leave me out when you invite people to your party.
leave for 动身到(某处)
leave alone不管;撇下…一个人
leave aside搁置
leave behind遗忘;遗留
1) They were left ______ in the wilderness.
2) He was asked to make up the information left ______ by the leader.
Keys: 1) alone 2) out
Step 6 Homework
Write a short passage about the Dachen Isles.
period 5 Grammar and Language study
Teaching goals
1. Learn about the appositive clause.
2. Identify noun clauses.
3. Enable students to use new words.
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Review the vocabulary and complete the sentences.
a. Students work in pairs first.
b. The teacher check the answers.
Step 2 Brainstorming
a. Review the text and present the appositive clause by asking questions:
1.What impresses you most in the passage ?
The fact that ¡¬ impresses me most.
2.What have you already known before reading the passage ?
I have known the fact that ¡¬
3.Did you hear any news about Britain recently ?
I heard the news that ¡¬
b. Collect answers as many as possible ,reminding students
of sentence structure if find errors.
Step 3 Grammar Explanation
a. Get students to identify the clauses .
c. Try to make students tell the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause by comparing the sentences.
1.The news that the plane would take off on time made everybody happy.
2.The news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.
3.The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering.
4.The suggestion that they are considering is that students should learn something practical.
c. The teacher offers explanation if necessary.
Step 4 Tell the function of the following sentences.
1.The idea that Great Britain is made up of three countries¡¯ Corner ,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
2.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
3.The result of so much French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.
4.Some people feel that Wales is an ancient fairy land.
5.That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.
6.They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.
Step 5 Consolidation
Consolidate what have been learned by doing further exercises.
Period 6 Integrative Sk ills
Teaching Goals:
1. Learn to describe the countryside, the cities, the people and their life by reading the passage.
2. Learn things about the city Salisbury.
3. Know more about Britain.
4. Cultivate the students’ abilities of concluding and reasoning.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Lead in
Teacher plays the video clip from Robinson Crusoe and asks the students Have you ever seen this film?
Who wrote the story?
Do you know something about Daniel Defoe?
Step 3 Extension
1. More to know about life in Britain: When talking about life in England, we just can’t miss one thing---pub. Pubs play an important part in people’s lives. It is a good place to meet friends and talk and drink beers. English villages are small and cozy. Lots of pubs can be found
with names like: the Red Lion, the Black Horse, the Rose and Crown, the King and Queen, and the George and Dragon. Lots of gorgeous food like pies, steaks, chips, big sandwiches, sausages and mash (potatoes!) and lots of different types of beer: bitter, lager (a light-colored beer), ale (a type of beer made from malt), etc!!!
(A video clip is presented about a pub.)
About football: Football is Britain’s national game. It was invented in Britain as far back as the 12th century, became an organized spectator sport in 19th century, and is now played in vast stadiums watched by tens of thousands of fervent supporters. Football is one of the few things that obsessed the British. And David Beckham is one of the most famous football stars. In the video we can see many college students playing football very early in the morning.
2. Let the students say something about the British Isles as far as they know.
Step 4 Homework:
Now you know how to describe a city’s landscape, the people and their lives after reading this passage. And today’s homework:
1. Choose any place you know or you like and write a short passage about it.
2. With the help of the Internet, try to collect as much information as possible and make a PowerPoint presentation in the next period.
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