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高二英语课件-Global Warming课件

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-03-04 17:33:55

高中生想要学好英语知识需要掌握科学的方法,而课前阅读英语课件能够提高大家的学习能力,为了能够使大家轻松学好高中英语,下面学大教育网为大家带来高二英语课件-Global Warming课件,希望能够提高大家的高中英语学习效果。

Module 6 Unit 4 Global warming

Reading: The earth is becoming warmer—but does it matter?

Ⅰ Teaching Aims

1. Enable the students to learn the features of an English magazine article like this one

2. Enable the students to get information about global warming using the given reading strategy

3. Help the students carry out a talk show based on the information about global warming learnt during this lesson

4. Enable the students to become more aware of the importance of stopping global warming

II Teaching Important and Difficult Points

1. Enable the students to get information about global warming using the given reading strategy.

2. How to guide the students to carry out the talk show orderly and efficiently based on the information about global warming learnt during this lesson

III Teaching Procedures

Step One Pre-reading

1) Greetings and lead in.

Show the students a short video clip about the disappearance of glaciers in different places around the world and ask them the following question: What happened to the glaciers and why?

设计意图:通过一段画面对比强烈的视频迅速吸引学生上课注意力,激活学生思维,引发学生思考,进而引出本节课的主题—global warming.

2) Analyze the features of an English magazine article like this one.

Students may find this article looks a little different. Tell them this is an English magazine article and instruct them to find out the features of an English magazine article like this one.


Step Two First reading (Individual work)

Task: Skim the title and the first paragraph.

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Question 1: Who wrote the magazine article?

A. Earth Care B. Sophie Armstrong

Question 2: What is the topic(主题) of the article?

A. The earth B. Global warming


Step Three Second reading for detailed information (Group work)

Task: Find answers to the following questions.

Reading strategy: When scanning for (查找) detailed information(细节信息), find the key words of questions in the article and then read the related sentences (相关句子) to find the answers you need.

Question 1: What has caused global warming? (Para.2)


What human activity is mentioned in the article? (Para.3)

A. burning of fossil fuels (化石燃料) to produce energy

B. cutting down trees to get wood

Question 2:

What phenomenon (现象) is called greenhouse effect? (Para3)

Sub-question(子问题): Without greenhouse effect, what would happen?

Question 3:

What are the attitudes of scientists towards global warming? (Pa.6)

scientists like(像) Dr. Fosterscientists like(像)Hambley

Global warming may cause

a_____ of several metres in the

sea level;

severe disasters such as storms,

_______, droughts and famines;

the ________ of diseases ;

the disappearance of _________ Global warming may

make plants ________ quicker;

make crops ________ more;

encourage a greater_______ of



Step Four Summary (Pair-work)

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks in the following passage(选词填空) .

energy warmer trap attitudes heat

Everybody believes that the earth is becoming ______and that human activity has caused this global warming. In order to produce _______, people have to burn fossil fuels. During this process, “greenhouse” gases are produced. “Greenhouse gases” can ____ heat from the sun and warm the earth and this phenomenon is called “greenhouse effect”. On the one hand, we need it. On the other hand, if there are too many greenhouse gases, more _____ energy will be trapped, causing global warming. However, the __________ of scientists towards global warming are totally different.

设计意图:此环节以总结形式,让学生对文章主要信息进行概要把握,也既是对分散输入的信息进行信息整合,为最后的输出做最后的铺垫。提问时,让学生推选班内英语口语最好的学生带答案读出自己的Summary ,对这位同学来说是大家对他的肯定,对其它同学来说,可以起到榜样引领的作用。

Step Five Talk show

Imagine that the author(作者) of the article, Sophie Armstrong has invited the two scientists, Dr. Foster and Hambley, to our school for a talk show. The topic is global warming.

Sophie Armstrong will be the hostess (女主持人) of the talk show . Dr. Foster and Hambley will be the guests(嘉宾). As the hostess, Sophie will ask the two scientists some questions about global warming.

Let us carry out the talk show in small groups of six.

Questions and expressions you may need

What is global warming?

What has caused global warming?

Why do people have to burn a lot of fossil fuels?

What is greenhouse effect?

Do we need greenhouse effect?

What is your attitude towards global warming?

What should we do about global warming?

Exactly. / You are right. That’s true.

I’m afraid I disagree with you.

I don’t think so.



Step Six Reflection (反思)

As individuals (个人), what can we do about global warming?

Show the students another short video clip about the possible negative effects that global warming may have on us and ask the students the question above.


Step Seven Homework

1. Prepare a report about what individuals can do about global .

2. Recite the following five key sentences in this article.

1). There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.

2). It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.

3). It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.

4). They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.

5). It will encourage a greater range of animals---all of which will make life for human beings better.


IV Self-assessment (自我评价)

Think about what you have learnt in this period. Then tick the boxes.

I have learntYesNo

the features of an English magazine article

the causes and possible effects of global warming

the relationship between greenhouse effect and global warming

to be more aware of the importance of stopping global warming


整后期学习行为方式, 提高学习效率。让学生学会反思,养成反思的习惯,在反思中不断积



1. 考虑到本篇文章的文体特点(英语杂志文章)、文章的主题(global warming) 及新乡市二中高二年级学生现有的英语基础,我将本节课的教学重心放在英语杂志文章特点介绍及文章中有关global warming的信息的输入与输出上。有关global warming的信息的输入与输出主要通过以下三个课堂活动实现:由Second reading (信息的分散输入)到Summary (信息的整合输入) 最后到Talk show (信息的输出)。在具体的任务实施过程中,我通过汉语提示、段落提示、句型提示及模板提示来简化任务,降低难度,使学生在获得信息的同时又培养自己学习英语的兴趣与自信。

2. 课堂教学上,以导学案为载体,以我校倡导的“导学自主”教学理念为指导,以任务教学为依托,在教师的导学下,突出学生主体地位,以学生自主学习、自主探究为主线,培养学生探究精神。

高二英语课件-Global Warming课件是学大教育网小编为大家精心准备的,希望大家在学习高中英语的时候要好好利用课件,想要获取更多的英语课件内容,请登录学大教育网。

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